I was booked to do Sean Young's makeup and hair for the cover of several European publications.
Sean was very nice and I was thrilled because she had played the female lead in one of my favorite films BLADE RUNNER.
Sean told me that the director, Ridley Scott, was obsessed with her lip gloss during the filming of that movie. He felt that the red glossy lips were central to the character she was playing.
This was especially frustrating for Sean as she thought some of her best takes were cut because the lip gloss wasn't perfect.
I then asked Sean about her co-star in Blade Runner, Daryl Hannah, who had impressed me by saying she had performed all of her characters amazing gymnastic flips herself. "She did not...that was a stunt double", swears Sean.
Sean also shared with me how proud she was of her own pointed elf-like ears.
She felt they added to the look of her character in the film DUNE. And that she insisted director David Lynch let her wear her hair so her ears could be seen.
Well, I had to check for myself, and yes, she does have cute little ears that come to a point on top.
The two of us kept in touch for sometime after that shoot and went for dinner together a couple times.
I invited Sean to join me for the Metropolitan Museum's annual costume exhibit opening night party. What I didn't know was that Sean Young knew Janice Dickinson, who I had also invited.
Before Sean arrived, Janice mentioned that she felt there was still a bit of rivalry on Sean's part from when they were both starting out as models in Paris.
I assured her that couldn't be true anymore.
Yes, Janice was the bigger success as a model, but Sean was becoming a very successful actress. I never even knew she had wanted to be a model.
Well, when we all got together for the party, I could feel the tension between them.
Janice was dressed as an Indian Prince (the parties theme was India) while Sean chose to wear a picture hat and an antebellum hoop skirt a'la Gone With the Wind's Scarlet O'Hara.
The museum invited everyone to dance around the Temple of Dendur after the dinner.
As we all headed over to dance Sean took to the floor with a vengeance!
She was kicking her legs in the air and swirling her skirt around, I assumed to take the attention away from Janice.
At one point a photographer friend of mine came over to tell me that he had been taking pictures of the dancers and he felt certain Sean was not wearing any panties under her crinolines. This was before digital cameras, children.
I couldn't believe this, but sure enough, the next day, I received a framed black and white print of Miss Young flashing away with wild abandon.
I still have that photo some where.
Re-posted from MakeupBeat.com